The significance of Navaratri

By Pt. Tillack Seerattan, Shri Devi Mandir, Jamaica, Queens NY.

Navaratri has two meanings, “New Nights” and Nine Nights. It takes nine months for a child to be born. The child rests in the mother’s womb during this period. Similarly, in Navraatri, you get back to the self – self referral.  Dip into yourself and then you come out with more creativity and be victorious.  All negative forces – craving and aversion – get yourself relieved from all these.  Go to the source of energy.  And the source of energy comes from the worship of the universal mother who is known as a multidimensional Goddess with many arms and personalities.  It is true that this is a very significant period and all seems to be enthusiastic of her worship.
There are two Navraatris every year.  The first one is called the Vasant Navraatri.  That falls on the break of winter and spring. And the second one is called Shrarad or Ashwin Navraatri, which falls in the break of summer and fall/autumn.
In the first Navraatri, Maa Durga appeared through the mistic power of Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Lord Brahma. She was sent to destroy the five demonic kings who were living for no purpose at all in the world. Their names are Shumbh and Nishumbh “two brothers”, Raktabeija, Drumaksh and Mahisaasur.
Mahisha-asur had a special power, that he must only be killed by a woman.  This is why God has created a woman (Durga) to come and kill him.  He represents dullness like a buffalo, “he had a buffalo head”  Raktabeja,  Rakta means blood and bija means seed.  He is like the gene in the blood.  Sometimes your behaviour is not in your control.  It’s in your genes, (Raktabija)  Meditation is medication which is required to tackle Raktabija.  When such energy comes to you, transformation happens, the genes changes. He had a special power as well. That whenever he is in combat with any opponent and one drop of his blood spill on the earth, one hundred like him will take birth instantly.
The blood represents the destruction of evil. She does not accept blood as an offering, this is strictly prohibited.  She destroys the wicked to save the good.  Hence, Maa wants you to offer your kaam—desire and lust.  Your krodh—anger and passion.  lobha—greed and stinginess.  moha—infatuation, see and want to possess the material aspect and mad—intoxication, lost in illusion of the material world. This is what kali maa wants from her devotees.  Any other worship is considered tamasic.
Shumbha and Nishumbha, two brothers.  Shumbha represents doubting on oneself and Nishumbha means doubting others.  Doubting at every step.  In today’s life, people are so busy.  Mind is so clogged, so occupied, no time to think of oneself.  If someone insults you, don’t think it is intentional.
Chanda and Munda.  Chanda means opposite head.  Chanda will oppose everything you say.  One who cannot agree with anything.  Munda does not have a head at all.  Whatever you tell them, it will all go in the air.
Dhumra-lochaa.  Dhumra means smoke and Lochana means eyes – smokey eyes.  They see everything hazy.  All this is due to lack of Shakti.  When you are full of energy and enthusiasm, none of these Rakshas qualities can occupy your mind.
Durga maa destroys to save.  She destroyed ignorance, nescience, in order to bestow knowledge.  She destroys darkness so that we may realize light.  She destroys all pain, all sorrow, all misery and all earthly trials and tribulations, and bestows upon us, bliss, joy and immortality.  Hence, she is a destroyer of all those factors that bind the Jiva to these terrible samsaras.
Thus, it is that the Mother is conceived of as the destroyer of one of her own aspects;  just as by the power of will. And will is also a portion of the mind – we overcome certain weakness and evils in the same mind.  As Vidya-Maya, mother using her aspect as kali, destroys Avidya and takes us to the ultimate Brahman.
In the form as Maa Kali, we find that she stands for a glorified being, a mother who is intent upon giving deliverance from delusion.  It is in this aspect that the lover of the Mother worships her as Kali Devi.  She comes to the aid of her devotes who surrenders all ego and the senses.  And in her symbolically terrible form helps her devotees to overcome the senses and attain mastery and victory over the mind.
Maa Durga has nine forms and the nine forms represent the nine chakra in the human body.
The first form is called Shailaputri Devi and represents the Mool-aadhar chakra situated at the base of our trunk/spine.  This is called the Kundalini Shakti.
The second form is called Brahma-charini Devi.  She represents tapasya. And it’s the second chakra of the human body situated at our hip section, this is called the Swadhishtana chakra.
The third form is called Chandra-ghanta, she represents Chandra the Moon and Ghanta – the bell that ringed at our puja to drive away all the evil tendencies from around us. This is the third chakra in the human body called the Manipur chakra situated at our navel.
The fourth form is called Khushmaanda Devi, she represents the giver of happiness. This is the fourth chakra of the human body situated at our heart called the Anahata chakra.
The fifth form is called Shandamaata, she came in this form with Kartikay, the brother of Lord Ganesh, and represents the warrior class to destroy the demons and protect the deotas.  This represents the fifth chakra of the human body called the Visudha chakra situated at our throat which gives us sweet voices to speak the good of another person.
The sixth form is called Katyayini Devi.  She used this form to killed Mahish-asur.  This represents the sixth chakra of the human body called Ggyaan chakra situated at the middle of our forhead, that is where our third eye is situated.
The seventh form is called Kaal-ratri Devi.  Kaal means time, and time is begin less and endless. She represents the seventh chakra situated on top of our head where all knowledge is being stored. This is called the  Sahastra chakra.
The eight form is called Maha-gowrie Devi.  She represents purity and unshaken devotion. This is the eight chakra situated one step above our head with an attachment to God. This is called the Brahman chakra.
And the ninth form is called Sidhi-daatri Devi.  She is the giver of permanent happiness, muksha when we sincerely pray to her.. This is the ninth chakra situated over the Brahman chakra which is called the Param Brahma chakra the highest of all.
Of course the number nine is the highest of the single digit.  To achieve her blessings, one must keep fasting during the Navaratri period and all your desire will be fulfilled.  In Navaratri Maa Durga destroyed all the demonic kings who were living for no purpose in the world. She blesses us with victory as we worship her during these nine nights.
On the tenth day is when Bhagavan Raam killed Ravana which brought victory and peace to the world.  The tenth day is called Vijay Dasmee, the celebration of good over evil.
I think if someone called him or herself a Hindu, and knows nothing else about Hinduism, at least they will know about Navratri, because a lot of emphasis is placed on Navraatri.
Shubh Navratri to all you loving devotees.

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